家庭使用分體式冷氣機保用 24 個月。 24 months warranty offer for household use split type air conditioners. a. 家庭使用第 1 至第 24 個月全保,免檢查費及更換零件費用,惟次年需收取人工及 雪種等材料費。 For household usage, 2 years full warranty will be offered including free on-site inspection and parts replacement. However, attendance fee and material fees like refrigerant have to be charged starting from the 2nd year. b. 家庭使用壓縮機保用 5 年,次年更換壓縮機需收取人工及雪種等材料費。 5 years warranty will be offered to the household used compressor. Starting from the 2 nd years, attendance fee and material fees like refrigerant will be charged for the replacement of the compressor. c. 商業及出租用途保用 1 年 (包括壓縮機)。 For commercial use and rental purposes, 1 year warranty will be offered (including compressor).